Información Personal Here John Pickles introduce himself...
John speech of his friend Claire...
and now speech of his friend Paul...
1. "My name is John" The literal translation would be: mi nombre es John. From this we can deduce that: My = mi
My car is blue = mi coche es azul
Your car is blue = tu coche es azul His/her car is blue = su coche es azul
Our car is blue = nuestro coche es azul
My = mi
Our = nuestr@
2. "I live in London" The literal translation would be: (Yo) vivo en Londres
From this we can deduce that: I = yo
I live in Spain = Yo vivo en España
You live in Spain = Tu vives en España He/She lives in Spain = Él /Ella vive en España
We live in Spain = Nosotros vivimos en España
I = yo
We = nosotros
In English it is essential to use the subject with a verb. In other words, we can not omit the I, You, He, She, We, You, They. 3. "I am 20 years old " In Spanish it means : Tengo 20 años.
I am 20 years old.
We are 20 years old.